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older entries

2004-03-25 - progress
2004-03-23 - If I had an anchor, I bet I'd trip on it
2004-03-17 - weight behind my words
2004-03-03 - i'm not going to kick the football, because she will just pull it away.
2004-02-19 - In My LAP
2003-10-14 - sediment under clutter
2003-09-30 - ding dong dell
2003-09-25 - on legs like a fawn
2003-09-22 - punch line
2003-09-19 - lone rider
2003-09-18 - drop the curtain already on this saga
2003-09-17 - lights up, next scene
2003-09-16 - a new russian drama
2003-09-16 - let 'er rip
2003-09-12 - job ends
2003-09-12 - I went down,down,down, and the flames went higher
2003-09-11 - cupcake
2003-09-09 - dramarama meter
2003-09-08 - I want a time out.
2003-09-05 - money- friend or foe?
2003-08-27 - KGB drama continues
2003-08-22 - parole
2003-08-20 - sad, but true
2003-08-19 - weasels
2003-08-18 - snake
2003-08-14 - there I am
2003-08-13 - the water's fine
2003-08-08 - sense and insensibility
2003-08-06 - desperate mommylap violence (DMV)
2003-08-05 - and he's off!...
2003-08-04 - Amy
2003-08-04 - nonmember of the wedding
march 3, 2002 - it gets even better
march 2002 - a little music to add to the scene
February 2002 - so Celexa walks in and she says to me, she says-
December 2001 - the first horseman of the apocalypse
2003-07-31 - Lisa